It’s Time to Fight to End Forced Annexation….Let’s Go To Austin!
The Committee Hearing for the Senate Bill, SB715, is likely to be set for as early as next week...Monday, March 27 or Wednesday, March 29...or maybe even later. The way in which they schedule these Hearings leaves us very little time to react. But we will react. We have written countless letters, emails, and have called on our legislators to support the Bills that will give property owners the right to vote on annexation (HB299, HB424, SB715). Now it is time for us to be at the hearing in Austin to either testify in front of Committee Members or to register our individual support for the Bills. We have to physically be at the Capitol to register and/or testify. It is imperative that we be there for the Hearings! Sign up to go to Austin at
Testimonials are to be no more than 2 or 3 minutes...the rules will be defined by the Committee Chairman at the time of the Hearing. It has been advised by various authorities to have a few focused testimonies on specific topics (rather than repeating the same message in a marathon fashion) such as… municipal financial irresponsibility, broken promises from previous annexations, and most importantly, giving homeowners the right to vote on annexation!!! Please contact Barbara Green at for more information about testifying.
The HAA would like to help support the effort of getting to Austin by chartering a bus to get us there early and return later that day. A donation of $20/person is needed for a bus. If there are more people that sign up than there are bus seats, you will have to arrange your own transportation. Parking locations near the Capitol will be listed on website.
Sign up form to go to Austin is on Indicate if you want to ride the bus or drive yourself.
Mike Stewart, President