
Special Address from Senator Campbell

Senator Donna Campbell was instrumental in getting the Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act passed during this last special legislative session.  She will be attending the HAA Celebration Lunch at Mi Casa Tamales on Sunday, September 17th and will be speaking to HAA and its supporters at approximately 12:30p.  

Please join us to hear this special address!

Admission to the event is free.  Food can be purchased by buying meal tickets in advance (visit for $10 or paying $12 at the door.  Food will be prepared and served by Bill Miller Bar-B-Q.

Join us in a celebration!

          VICTORY AFTER 105 YEARS!
WHERE: Mi Casa Tamales at 25930 Interstate-10 Frontage Rd
Come for a barbecue lunch with your neighbors
Hear what our future holds
Advance meal tickets $10 or $12 at the door
Pre-pay meal in advance at

Special Guests include our Champions:
Senator Donna Campbell
Lynlie Wallace, Chief of Staff for Rep. Lyle Larson
Representative Phil Cortez


Governor Greg Abbott Signs Legislation To Reform Municipal Annexation Process

Governor Abbott presents legislation reform municipal annexation process.
Governor Greg Abbott Signs Legislation To Reform Municipal Annexation Process
August 15, 2017 | Austin, Texas | Press Release | Legislative
Governor Greg Abbott today signed Senate Bill 6 (SB 6), which will reform and restrict the municipal annexation process. Under the new law, authored by Sen. Donna Campbell and Rep. Dan Huberty, Texans will now be able to vote on whether a city can annex areas outside of its limits. This legislation was a key priority for the Governor during the special session, and with its passage, Texans will now have a voice when it comes to the annexation practices of local governments.

“In Texas, of all places, property rights matter,” said Governor Abbott.
Residents from across the state that have expressed their concerns about feeling abused by the annexation process have had their voices heard. I’m proud to sign legislation ending forced annexation practices, which is nothing more than a form of taxation without representation, and I thank the legislature for their attention to this important issue during the special session.

The Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act has finally PASSED! ...Awaiting Governor's Signature

Today is a victory for freedom in Texas! I am extremely excited to finally announce that the Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act has passed both the Texas House and Texas Senate! The bill is on the way to the Governor's desk and we expect him to sign it in the coming days! We were able to accomplish this with the persistent support from our State Representative Lyle Larson, State Senator Donna Campbell, their staffs' diligent work and especially the ladies behind Homeowners Against Annexation. Barbara Green, Sandy Fitzpatrick, Glenda Haynes, Frances Booker, Linda Leeser, Sarah Stevens and countless others in the community worked tirelessly to end the tyranny of forced annexation! I'd like to give a special thanks to my wife, Gretchen. Without her support at home, my involvement in this struggle for freedom could not be possible. And I appreciate the communities thanks and praise. May god bless Texas! Stay tuned for a celebration and benefit event in the coming days! Sincerely Michael P. Stewart Husband, Father & Neighbor President, Homeowners Against Annexation

San Antonio Wants To Annex the IH10W Commercial Corridor....Let's Tell Them "NO"! Here's How....

To All IH10W Residents,
As we sit tight for a revised version of SB6 to come out of committee in the Texas House, you may ask what can I do to help end the tyranny of forced annexation? We can stand up and be heard! There will be three (3) opportunities to speak out and tell the City of San Antonio (COSA) to NOT annex the IH10W Commercial Corridor. This annexation takes revenue away for our Emergency Service District (ESD). Our message to San Antonio: please get your own house in order...we like our services the way they are! If San Antonio votes to annex the IH10W Commercial Corridor on August 31 as they plan on doing, some of these businesses, i.e. the Fireworks stands, will no longer be able to operate on September 1st and thus, their livelihood will be disrupted. Opportunity 1: COSA Planning Commission will meet to discuss the proposed zoning changes for the IH10W Commercial Corridor Annexation. Here is link to the details: ID=22842&GUID=3E416584-8B58-4FA0-99F6-DD12D064476A Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Time: 2:00pm Location: 1901 S. Alamo St., San Antonio Tx 78204 Opportunity 2: COSA City Council will have a public hearing on the Annexation of the IH10W Commercial Corridor. Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Time: 6:00pm Location: Municipal Plaza, 114 W Commerce St, San Antonio, TX 78205. If going into San Antonio is an issue, there will be another meeting in Fair Oaks this Thursday.... Opportunity 3: COSA City Council will have a special public hearing on the Annexation of the IH10W Commercial Corridor. Meeting details: 454A-99F8-C3F2F721D0E1&Options=&Search= Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 Time: 7:00pm Location: Fair Oaks City Hall; 7286 Dietz Elkhorn, Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas. LET'S GET EVERYBODY THERE TO PROTEST THE ANNEXATION OF THE IH10W COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR. WE WILL HAVE "NO ANNEXATION" T- SHIRTS AVAILABLE! Respectfully, Mike Stewart, President, Homeowners Against Annexation

A Great Day for the Right to Vote on Annexation

We had a great visit to Austin yesterday! 25 people from our area along with countless others from Bexar County and other parts of the State testified before the Texas House Land and Resource Management Committee. There were numerous Cities and Lobbyists that are paid to be there but the residents who were there on their own dime out numbered them! There is no doubt the Committee heard the people and we have tremendous momentum to end the tyranny of forced annexation.

Our Representatives not only have a plan, they have an expectation of what happens next. We expect HB6 to be voted out of committee in the next 24 hours. From there it will go through the Calendars Committee on Friday or Sunday and be moved the House floor for full debate early next week. Our House and Senate members will coordinate activities to minimize the risk of the shenanigans we experienced last session. The key right now is time so they are moving fast to get the legislation through the process.

At this time, there is no action required by us but we stand at the ready to call, email and tweet anybody that acts as an impediment to the process.

You can watch the entire hearing at this link:

Another positive thing that happened during the hearing but 90 miles away was the San Antonio City Council met to discuss the Fast Track Commercial Annexation. We were successful with our petition to force a hearing in the annexation area and that was noted in the meeting. However, the best news was that the City staff is recommending against the annexation of the IH10 West Commercial corridor. Why? Well with the addition of a Fire Department Squad, the costs of that outweigh the revenue to the tune of -$72.1M over 20 years.

This was only a staff recommendation so it may still be necessary to attend the San Antonio Public Hearings next Wednesday and Thursday so stay tuned.

Here is a link to article in the San Antonio Express News as well.

A big thank you to everyone that came out today or previously and all those that called and sent emails. We the people are being heard and we are one step closer to the right to vote on annexation. 

Mike Stewart 
President, Homeowners Against Annexation

Hearing for the TX Annexation Right to Vote Act scheduled for Wed, Aug 2nd

Hi All...Due to the speed at which this Special Session is happening, we have just learned that a House hearing with the Land & Resource Mgmt Committee will occur tomorrow, Wednesday, Aug 2, at 10:30 am. I know it is barely enough time to react, but, if you are inclined to speak out to the Committee members about our right to vote (or lack thereof) on the annexation issue that are forced upon us by the city, please consider going to Austin.

COMMITTEE: Land & Resource Management
TIME & DATE: 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess Wednesday, August 02, 2017 
PLACE: E2.026
CHAIR: Rep. Abel Herrero

HB 6 Huberty | et al. Relating to municipal annexation

The time of these hearings are an inexact science... they don't always happen on time. We just try to have as much patience as possible especially if testimonies continue late throughout the day. Thanks for everyone's support!

Mike Stewart
President, HAA

The Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act Update: ALL HANDS ON DECK!!

Senator Campbell’s bill SB6 passed the Senate on Wednesday! 

That means it will be on its way to the House Land and Resource committee for a hearing, most likely next week. 

NOW is the time to call and email the House Land and Resource Management committee. You can email a prewritten letter or copy in your own with one-click at 

We also encourage you to have your friends and relatives in other parts of Texas to do the same. We want them to know Texans everywhere are interested. Remember, it is a Texas problem! 

And the final step is to prepare to attend this hearing. We expect it to be next week in Austin at a day and time that is yet to be determined. We will plan to carpool or take a bus from the Walmart in Leon Springs. 

Our Legislators have a strategy to get the Senate Bill through the House with minimal changes and thus reduce the risk of the shenanigans we saw in the regular session. 

We urge everyone to start sending your emails and clearing your calendar for a trip to Austin. Let’s end the tyranny of forced municipal annexation in Texas!

Get Annexation Reform Bill HB6 through Committee!

We need everyone to call Chairman Herrero's office to ask him to schedule a hearing for HB6, the Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act. 

Chairman Abel Herrero, Land and Resource Management Committee 
(512) 463-0462 

HB6 (companion bill to SB6) has been referred to the Texas House Land and Resource Management Committee. Representative Herrero has full authority to schedule the hearing and needs a little encouragement. 

Please call him, be courteous and respectful but tell him, We the People, want a hearing for HB6, the Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act! 

Then you can start emailing the Land and Resource Management Committee! Click here to send them your support for HB6, the Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act!

Support annexation reform by moving SB6, The Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act, to the Senate floor for passage!

Now is the time! Grab your neighbors! Make your voice heard. SB6, The Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act, will be heard in the Texas Senate Affairs THIS Sunday, July 23 at 1PM. 

We will be leaving from the Walmart parking lot in Leon Springs so meet there at 10AM to coordinate carpools. There were no buses available. 

Come to testify to the Texas Senate Affairs Committee or just show your support for the right to vote on who governs us.

We also need to send letters to the committee members. Click here to send a letter with one easy click! 

Please email or message me with any questions: 

If you need transportation, let us know and we will get everyone there!

Are you skeptical when the government uses the word unilateral?

Are you skeptical when the government uses the word unilateral? 

I sure am...following testimony to a Texas Senate committee during the regular Legislative Session “The decision made by the Senate committee was very much a response to the people who came and testified there,” Jeff Coyle, Director, Government & Public Affairs for the City of San Antonio told the Rivard Report, referring to the dozens of property owners who testified at the hearing. “We think it is an overreaction to rewrite the law just because a group of people aren’t happy about the decision that was made. We still believe that cities need to have the authority to annex unilaterally and we will continue to make that case.” 

That appears to be counter to what 10 year-old Riley Stewart reminded us of when she testified in front of House and Senate committees "and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." She simply grounded us in the words from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. 

Do you support unilateral action by the government on anything?

Texas Senator Menendez Filibustered Against Your Right to Vote!

Remember the Texas Senator who filibustered and killed your right to vote? Senator Menendez is holding a town hall on the 85th Legislature. I would encourage everyone to attend and ask him why he filibustered the will of the people. Be prepared for him to say “the Generals said we had to stop this legislation” and you can answer with any of the following: 

• If the City is so keen to protect Camp Bullis. Why did the area on the east side a Camp Bullis get a special deal that delays annexation for 17 years? 

• Why is the densest development around Camp Bullis on the southside of the post ALL within the City? 

• Why now? Camp Bullis has been adjacent to the City for many years and most of the development in the I10 West area has already taken place. 

Here is the information for the event this Saturday: 

Texas Senator Menendez Community Briefing
Saturday, July 8 10-11:30am 
VIA Boardroom 
1021 San Pedro Ave 
San Antonio, TX

Event is also listed on the website & HAA calendar.

Get out the Word!

We need your help to get out the word about the City of San Antonio's plan to fast-track the annexation of part of the I-10 corridor!

First, we need volunteers to pass out flyers at the fireworks stands along the I-10 West corridor to let customers know that this is THE END OF FIREWORKS unless we stand up to the City Council and stop the annexation!  The flyer is meant to be printed double-sided and cut in half to make two flyers on each page.  (If you cannot print double-sided, just hand out the single sheets - that works as well.)  We have permission to pass out flyers at the Mr. W stands, but feel free to ask at the other fireworks stands to get permission to pass out flyers there as well.  Anytime you can be there today or tomorrow, please just head out there with a stack of flyers and spread the word!

Secondly, we need to inform all of the business owners in the proposed annexation area to let them know what is happening.  The City of San Antonio has NOT sent them notices yet, so we need to get them informed and protesting as quickly as possible!  Please print out the attached flyer and bring them to all of the business located in the red areas on the map on the flyer to let them know that they will soon be subject so City of San Antonio regulations and taxes!

We can't let the City of San Antonio think they can get away with this annexation!  Let's rally our friends and neighbors to stand up for our property rights!

Fireworks Stand Flyer

The End of an Era - Fireworks Area on I10 West to Close

Just when we thought we could take a brief break from annexation, the City of San Antonio voted yesterday, WITH NO NOTICE, to annex the commercial corridor along I10 West from Leon Springs to past Fair Oaks.  This is an attempt to gets us inch by inch.  I ask everyone to stand up for private property rights.

The City action puts that corridor in the City Limits on August 31.  How can they do this?  Help us change the state law to protect rights!  Learn more at
An immediate impact is fireworks stands at Old Fredericksburg Road.  This would be the last time they would be open along with the SAFE zone.  Whether you like fireworks or not, how would you feel if the City without your consent could take your business away?

Are you an environmentalist?  Did you know the City has less strict impervious cover requirements than the County?  Anybody on the COSA City Council that took this action under the guise of protecting the aquifer is misinformed.

Are you happy with your fire protection from Leon Springs Volunteer Fire Department (LSVFD) through ESD#4? They provide us great service at a tremendous value.  This commercial corridor puts that service at risk by splitting the fire district!
Let’s stand up to big government.  Send an email to to sign up to rally neighbors at the Fireworks Stands and SAFE zone on July 4th!

The Right to Vote on Annexation is Within Reach!

The last 48 hours have been an interesting and exciting time in the struggle to end the tyranny of forced annexation.  First, the Texas House Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs held a hearing in the San Antonio City Council Chambers.  Then, the Governor’s office called on us to help push his special session legislative agenda through to passage!
Monday, Chairman Roland Gutierrez, a Democrat from San Antonio, called a hearing to discuss annexation reform and military.  From the outset, the Chairman framed to hearing as a discussion on encroachment to military bases that could negatively impact their ability to conduct the mission.  However, from the first of a dozen “invited” guests to testify, the claims of limiting the annexation power of cities will result in base closures through out Texas were the Kool-Aid of the day.
For over three (3) hours, these invited witnesses gave testimony that the City has to annex our area in order to protect the mission at Camp Bullis.  While no uniformed military member gave testimony, a letter from BGen Heather Pringle, Commander JBSA was read into the record reiterating the fake news that limiting municipal annexation power would make it more difficult to mitigate encroachment; several civilians from the military gave testimony making the same claim.  The rest of the invited testimony was from City of San Antonio staff and other municipal employees from the surrounding area.
Finally, resident testimony began.  The first two (2) to speak where residents I had not met before and spoke in favor of annexation…was that order a coincidence?  I’ll let you draw your own conclusion.
Next, we got to over 35 residents that signed up to talk on supporting the right to vote on who governs us AND supporting the military mission.  One by one, residents gave testimony the refuted every bit of smoke screen the invited witnesses put forth.  From the egregious development and encroachment at the Rim compared to the modest and mostly residential development in the County.  From the special delayed annexation deals granted to the communities on the east side of Camp Bullis that border the post to the armageddon of not annexing the I10 West area that does not even abut Camp Bullis.
While encroachment and the right to vote on annexation are two different issues, we believe the City has asked the military to come out on their side of the issue.  We demonstrated numerous tools the County has to mitigate encroachment so we just need to keep saying the same message.  It is clear the City has not been a good steward of reducing encroachment as evidenced by the dense development on the southern border of Camp Bullis while the County side of Camp Bullis has mostly less dense residential development.  How many four (4) story building are in the County near or around Camp Bullis?  That’s right, none.  How many of the buildings at the Rim look down into Camp Bullis?  That’s right, many.
The Committee claimed they would support our right to vote on annexation as long as the military mission is protected.  While I think we demonstrated that, we will need to continue to drive this point home.  Mostly we need facts on the encroachment so please reach out to us if you have data to refute the City claims.
I would acknowledge that Chairman Gutierrez was gracious with the time he allowed each resident to speak.  He could have limited our testimony to two (2) minutes but allowed people to speak as much as they wanted.  Of course, this came after hours of “invited” witnesses on the other side of the issue.
My hat goes off to Representative Terry Wilson, Republican from Georgetown.  He asked insightful questions and appears to be on the side of liberty!  Representative Phil Cortez, Democrat from the Alamo Ranch was also on the dais and is very supportive of our cause.
Tuesday, the Governor’s office reached out to us and we were able to have a conference call with high level staff members.  The Governor is asking for our help to get the special session agenda through the legislative process.  Private property rights are a top item on his list and he has vowed to support annexation reform and our right to vote!  We are looking forward to working with the Governor to get annexation reform done so we can end the tyranny of forced annexation once and for all!
During the next few weeks we will be finalizing the strategy for the special session and begin emails, calls and visits to the Capitol.  Please prepare yourself for trips to Austin about the end of July to give testimony.
Sign up at for updates.
Other coverage is available at the Texas Tribune, The San Antonio Express News and Texas Public Radio.


Do you want to right to vote AND support the military mission of Camp Bullis? I certainly do! Chairman Roland Gutierrez, Texas House Veterans’ Affairs Committee will be holding a meeting this Monday, June 19th at 10AM in the San Antonio City Council Chambers.
He claims Camp Bullis and all the other military installations in or around Bexar County will close if the City does not annex our community. We are working on data to refute their claims. Please come to the hearing to make sure they know both missions can be achieved!
If you have special knowledge on the topic, we want to hear from you. Especially if you have detailed knowledge on the Joint Land Use Study Please send an email to Mike Stewart,
We want to have a huge showing at this Committee Hearing. Let's plan on meeting at the Wal-Mart parking lot on Monday morning. Details to follow!

SB715 is on the Agenda for the Special Legislative Session!

This bright 10-year-old girl once told a Texas Senate and House committee in a recent hearing "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."  I believe now more than ever that liberty will prevail.  For the time being, thank the Governor of this great State!  Take a week off and then gear up to energize everybody you know in the State to fight for annexation reform during the upcoming special session of the 85th Texas Legislature.

Watch for update as we work with our Representatives and fellow freedom fighters on a strategy to get annexation reform passed into law and once and for all, end the tyranny of forced annexation.




We are hopeful that Gov. Abbott may be able to help us [get a Special Session] if we can get a record number of emails sent to him immediately. That means that EVERY ONE of us who doesn't want to be annexed to San Antonio MUST send him an email RIGHT NOW asking him to....


This one statement is all you need to put in your email. If we send wordy emails, they may not read through it to add it to the #SpecialSession, #Annexation #Reform stack. So just a simple message is better!  You can also tweet to @GovAbbott.

Many of the same folks have been sending emails to the Capitol for months, and that is GREAT! But right now we need EVERYONE to send an email. Please accept this challenge and get your email in...that would be 8,073 emails! Imagine the statement that would make to the Governor! 

Thanks for your help in getting the Governor to call for a Special Session!

Contact Gov. Abbott 

HAA Newsletter as of May 30, 2017 - Calling for Special Session

In light of the unconscionable decision by Lt. Gov. Patrick the night of May 28, 2017 to give the Senate Floor to Sen. Menéndez (who decided to filibuster the Annexation Reform Bill, SB715) rather than to Sen. Campbell who could have moved to pass it....our fight continues.

Rep. Larson sent his newsletter encouraging all of us to do the following:

Contact Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick immediately and hold him accountable for allowing the opposition to kill the Annexation Reform Bill.
Contact information for Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick:

Contact Gov. Abbott's office with requests for him to add Annexation Reform to the call for a Special Session.  

Here are some talking points that could get the Governor's attention:
  • Please protect our democratic values
  • We believe in small government
  • Protect the citizen's rights to determine who governs them
  • How our veterans serve(d) to protect the very freedoms now being denied us, especially on Memorial Day weekend!
  • Commend the Governor for his dedication to citizens rights and his defense of the Constitution.
  • Explain to the Governor the urgency for all citizens who will be forcibly annexed before the 2019 Legislature convenes.

The sooner we all can contact the Governor, the better our chance for getting the Special Session that we need for that last chance to get our Annexation Reform bill passed.

Thanks for everyone's persistence in keeping up whatever it takes to try to keep us unincorporated!  

Mike Stewart
HAA President

Annexation Reform is All But Reality

Sunday, May 21 was a milestone for all Texans!  The second reading of SB715, also known as the Texas Annexation Reform Act, was passed by the House Members with 104 yeas and 34 nays. Monday, May 22, SB715 was affirmed in the third reading with a vote of 110 to 35 and with a few amendments.  SB715 will go back to the Senate where the Bill authors can concur with the House language or choose not to concur and go to Conference.  If they go to Conference, then they could potentially strip away any language added in the House.  The Bill, as reconciled, would then need to be voted on by both the House and Senate.  However, this is mostly a formality since it passed with an overwhelming margin.

At this time we will stand by and let our legislators execute the task at hand.  Senator Campbell and Representative Larson are aware of the opposition from San Antonio and will protect our right to vote at all cost. We may need to have a final push to ensure the Governor does not veto the Bill, even though it is expected to become law.  Please stay tuned for more information.

There were several amendments made to the bill during the debate and we still need to review the details to make sure there is nothing that would exclude us but we are confident that we can live with these amendments and look forward to the final language.

Thanks to all who participated in the efforts to end forced annexation in Texas.  Whether you donated money, wrote emails, wrote letters, made phone calls, knocked on doors, did research, networked, went to a rally, went to Austin....please know that it all helped get us to this point.  We are so close.  Let's keep fighting until we get to the finish line!   

While my tone is cautiously optimistic, please consider this a huge victory for our efforts!

Please watch for updates as the bill moves through the final stages of the process into becoming the law of Texas!

Don't forget to thank Senator Campbell, Representatives Huberty and Larson and especially their staff!

Let's keep up the fight!

Thanks again!

Mike Stewart
President, Homeowners' Against Annexation

Optimistic for Annexation Reform with SB715

HB424 was on the calendar to be debated in the House this week but it did not come up before the self-imposed deadline by the House of Thursday midnight.  The bill essentially died.  

However, hope is not lost because we have SB715 that was voted out of the House committee this week and is poised to get scheduled for debate.  Historically Senate bills are viewed favorably by the House so we do not expect the stalling (that a few House members did this week) to be at the same level.

We are working with Representative Larson and Senator Campbell to organize any action they need from us to get SB715 voted into law.  At this time, we are optimistic and no action is required.  

If you wish to do something, you can call any and all House representatives and encourage them to support SB715 AND encourage your fellow Texans to contact their Representative to support SB715.  

Senator Campbell, Representative Larson and Representative Huberty are our champions and they need no further encouragement!


Mike Stewart
President, Homeowners' Against Annexation