House Bill 347 is jammed up. This is the bill that, if it passes, will give all Texans the right to vote on their own annexation. People from all over Texas fought for our right two years ago and with everybody's help, we won! Now we can help everyone have the same right.
Right now, the bill has gotten through the House but it needs one more bipartisan vote to bring it to the floor of the Senate for debate. Just one more!
If you have 10 minutes, see below for the list of senators and their phone numbers. Give them a call and ask them to do the right thing, to give Texans control over their own lives. Ask them to support House Bill 347! (Clicking on their name will take you to their contact page where you can email them and possibly get their local office number.)
Senator Menendez 512-463-0126
Senator Powell 512-463-0110
Senator Rodriguez 512-463-0129
Senator Seliger 512-463-0131
Senator Lucio 512-463-0127
Senator Alvarado 512-463-0106
Senator Hinojosa 512-463-0120
Senator Johnson 512-463-0116
Senator Miles 512-463-0113
Senator Whitmire 512-463-0115
Senator Watson 512-463-0114
Senator West 512-463-0123
Senator Zaffirini 512-463-0121
House Bill 347 - Phone Calls Needed!