To All IH10W Residents,
As we sit tight for a revised version of SB6 to come out of committee in the Texas House, you may ask what can I do to help end the tyranny of forced annexation? We can stand up and be heard! There will be three (3) opportunities to speak out and tell the City of San Antonio (COSA) to NOT annex the IH10W Commercial Corridor. This annexation takes revenue away for our Emergency Service District (ESD). Our message to San Antonio: please get your own house in order...we like our services the way they are! If San Antonio votes to annex the IH10W Commercial Corridor on August 31 as they plan on doing, some of these businesses, i.e. the Fireworks stands, will no longer be able to operate on September 1st and thus, their livelihood will be disrupted. Opportunity 1: COSA Planning Commission will meet to discuss the proposed zoning changes for the IH10W Commercial Corridor Annexation. Here is link to the details: ID=22842&GUID=3E416584-8B58-4FA0-99F6-DD12D064476A Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Time: 2:00pm Location: 1901 S. Alamo St., San Antonio Tx 78204 Opportunity 2: COSA City Council will have a public hearing on the Annexation of the IH10W Commercial Corridor. Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Time: 6:00pm Location: Municipal Plaza, 114 W Commerce St, San Antonio, TX 78205. If going into San Antonio is an issue, there will be another meeting in Fair Oaks this Thursday.... Opportunity 3: COSA City Council will have a special public hearing on the Annexation of the IH10W Commercial Corridor. Meeting details: 454A-99F8-C3F2F721D0E1&Options=&Search= Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 Time: 7:00pm Location: Fair Oaks City Hall; 7286 Dietz Elkhorn, Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas. LET'S GET EVERYBODY THERE TO PROTEST THE ANNEXATION OF THE IH10W COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR. WE WILL HAVE "NO ANNEXATION" T- SHIRTS AVAILABLE! Respectfully, Mike Stewart, President, Homeowners Against Annexation