Three of us went to Austin on Wednesday, April 3, 2017. We split up and visited a total of 95 Representatives offices. During our visit, we learned some lessons...

The ease of sending emails through the software on the HAA website is working for us but may also be working against us... somewhat. Even though our voices are being heard (that's a good thing), it appears some offices in Congress (i.e. Larson's among others) have become inundated with emails (that's the not so good thing because he's already on our side). But, because there is a fine line between being prudent and becoming annoying, we have a new plan to keep them on our good side.....

This weekend, we can call or send email to the Calendars Committee Members asking them to please move HB424 to the House Floor for a vote (there is one letter in the system). You can still do this on; click on: Get In Touch. We should try to go easy on hitting the Send button. Each of us sending email ***once, maybe twice*** this weekend should be sufficient.

If/When HB424 does get to the House Floor, we will switch to sending emails to ALL House Members asking for their vote in support of HB424, again, using the HAA website.

Please stay tuned on how we can continue our fight against ending forced annexation in the remaining time left of this Legislative session.